
Saturday, 29 December 2012

Behaviour Management

In my classroom, I utilise a combination of behaviour management strategies to promote on-task behaviour. These include individual, group and whole class rewards.

For individual good behaviour, students receive a sticker for their sticker chart (sorry- I don't have a pic of the charts). When the student has completed their sticker chart, they receive a small prize from the prize bag. If students are misbehaving or not doing their work, I try to focus attention on the students who are doing the right thing, in hope that this might redirect the attention and focus of the misbehaving student/s.

At the front of the classroom, there are three signs, which read: ‘I am doing the right thing’, ‘I need to try harder to do the right thing’ and ‘I am doing the wrong thing’, which are accompanied by a happy face, neutral face and sad face. Each day, the students’ names start on the happy face and if they misbehave their name is moved to the appropriate face. Students cannot receive a sticker for their chart if their name is not on the happy face.

As a group reward, students can earn table points. Tables with the most points might be able to get their lunch first, leave first for the day or line up first, for example.

As a whole class reward, students receive a ‘puzzle piece’. When the students have earned all pieces of the puzzle, they each receive a sticker for their sticker chart.

I have also used a star-coded effort rubric, where students note in their workbook how much effort they have put into the task.


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